Monday 5 April 2010

WTF is her problem?

so there i was, sitting lazily on the computer seat looking at topics in A-L, when i spotted one with my username on it. the topic was called 'Why does everyone like suffocatedlove.' by TornInTwo.

well, let me see... because i'm hot, i'm funny, i'm awesome, i'm nice... there's too many things to describe how amazing i am ;D (i jk.) and her REASON for hating me is because i'm a 'fat batch'
well last time i checked i was as thin as a pin. i weigh seven bloody stone. thats not fat at all.

shall i tell you guys the HISTORY behind TornInTwo. and myself? i dont see why not. so we got talking on stardoll, and we made very good friends. we were on eachothers bf list and stuff... but THEN she accused me of calling her friend mia an annoying noob. (i'm actually good friends with mia so i had no fucking idea what she was on about). i denied it, and she called me a liar and then she started calling me fat and bladdy blah she dented my confidence and crap.

so the real reason she hates me is because i 'lied' to her.


  1. I did tell her you never called me a noob, but she said it wasnt to my face, it was behind my back :/
    I don't believe her, dont worry.
