Sunday 11 April 2010

um yeah so

Friday 9 April 2010


Yep, tomorrow is officially A-L DAY!
There is a twist though, obv, we're gonna be talking about old A-L's.
I'll post the best medoll list on here (RAWR!)
Think scene XD.
Everyone's getting in the 'ish' mood right now!
I'm not quite sure what we're meant to be doing tomorrow to celebrate it, but it's going to be fun:)!

#megann,xoxo [ish]

Is it true?

Is Frankie leaving SD?

Thursday 8 April 2010


(no banner on the computer)

Fuck you :)



one of my best friends , alma , has left sd.
she deleted her acc and everything
omg i mizz her already.
if you don't know who she is (you ought to be shot) is the username alma_diamant familiar?

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Bring back Sephora!

I think we all want Sephora back. Sign the petition please.

- Anna.

I actually can't believe she's gone.

You may know how close Helga and I were. We were tighter than the Jonas Brothers' jeans :( And now she's gone. For personal, private reasons, Helga has left until August. I will miss her SO much. I have a little 'H' made up of beauty marks on my medoll in her honour, and there they will stay until she returns.

Awaiting her return :(


Justin's the word?

Around 5:00 AM GMT, A-L went Justin Bieber. It got to the point were Awesome.Chick and aussiechick112 were just annoying the shit out of me.

Hoping we'll get over Justine,

A-L Attraction

Megan here(:
Well I thought maybe we could do some sort of A-L Attraction thing?
Showing the best medoll in A-L of the moment ;o
Well, if you want to be in it, sign in my gb or something x]
I'll find you, I might just pick out any random person anyways(;


Monday 5 April 2010


I'm going to try and post every day, that is, every day I get on.

Anyway, as I promised, I'll do a little article on BASICS. This little store is AMAZING for when you need something basic (no pun intended) and don't want to blow money on it. As far as I know, everything can be bought with your Play and Earn money. My favourite pieces would have to be the miniskirts.



WTF is her problem?

so there i was, sitting lazily on the computer seat looking at topics in A-L, when i spotted one with my username on it. the topic was called 'Why does everyone like suffocatedlove.' by TornInTwo.

well, let me see... because i'm hot, i'm funny, i'm awesome, i'm nice... there's too many things to describe how amazing i am ;D (i jk.) and her REASON for hating me is because i'm a 'fat batch'
well last time i checked i was as thin as a pin. i weigh seven bloody stone. thats not fat at all.

shall i tell you guys the HISTORY behind TornInTwo. and myself? i dont see why not. so we got talking on stardoll, and we made very good friends. we were on eachothers bf list and stuff... but THEN she accused me of calling her friend mia an annoying noob. (i'm actually good friends with mia so i had no fucking idea what she was on about). i denied it, and she called me a liar and then she started calling me fat and bladdy blah she dented my confidence and crap.

so the real reason she hates me is because i 'lied' to her.


no banner atm; not on laptop ;)

Okay dudes, I need things to post about :-/
Give me ideas :(


Sunday 4 April 2010


Firstly, my new banner ¬¬
Not as eh, creative as my last one, but it looks better,

Anyway, the topic on hand is ELLE. The shop I took no notice of up until 3 or 4 days ago. But, browsing through the Starplaza, I decided to give it a little chance. So, I entered, and immediately fell in love with the Pink ELLE Cropped Blouse, a bargain at 6 Stardollars. Going through the stores in my head, I decided to head to BASICS (I will write about this amazingly simple bargain store in my next post), and bought light pink, light blue and white miniskirts, 4 stardollars, which look more like high-waisted bodycon skirts in all honesty. Pairing the white one up with the ELLE blouse looked quite amazing.

All in all, it's a cheap store with decent clothes.

Looking forward to the next collection!


k i need a banner

i cbf going off my laptop onto my gay computer to get one D:,
Errmm, so can someone make me one?(:

Anyways, so yeah , I told you last night I was fighting with my 'friend' on msn.
She called me sick for bringing up how she lied about cancer.

Yeah, so, erm.
LE was sold out in two days :O
Well most of it was,
The new LE was ugly anyway, I liked some things, :)
But I'm not becoming SS atm because I only come on SD for A-L.
Kay, I'm boring myself now.
Give me things to talk about ;D


I promise (yn), next post will be bettarrrrrrr;)


Bhappy_4ever. Diagnosed with breast cancer?

(click to enlarge)

befor you tell me, yes, i'm aware of the number of deaths and illnesses faked on stardoll, however, i think i believe her. she doesn't seem the type of person to lie about something as terrible as this. i wish her the best of luck and to stay strong ♥

Saturday 3 April 2010

Okay, my banner:

Okay, 3rd graphic EVER, done on Paint.

I know the arms are screwed up, but it was the best I could do. This'll remain my banner until I bother making another one.


It's x.Love.Bug.x
No banner ;/
I'll post properly later because I'm fighting with my friend on msn ;)

Thank you Frankie x

Hai, it's Anna / omgsmilingcows. Frankie is letting me write for her shamazing blog so yeah, I'm off to make my banner.

