Sunday 4 April 2010


Firstly, my new banner ¬¬
Not as eh, creative as my last one, but it looks better,

Anyway, the topic on hand is ELLE. The shop I took no notice of up until 3 or 4 days ago. But, browsing through the Starplaza, I decided to give it a little chance. So, I entered, and immediately fell in love with the Pink ELLE Cropped Blouse, a bargain at 6 Stardollars. Going through the stores in my head, I decided to head to BASICS (I will write about this amazingly simple bargain store in my next post), and bought light pink, light blue and white miniskirts, 4 stardollars, which look more like high-waisted bodycon skirts in all honesty. Pairing the white one up with the ELLE blouse looked quite amazing.

All in all, it's a cheap store with decent clothes.

Looking forward to the next collection!


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